Coaches Meeting at 7:30am
Warmups Begin at 7:45am
Play Begins at 8:00am
Jan 26 - POWER 1
Feb 23 - POWER 2
Feb 15 - 17 - RMR Showdown
Mar 16 - POWER 3
Mar 8-9 - RMR Classic
Mar 30 - POWER 4
Apr 6 - POWER 5
Apr 13 - POWER 6
Apr 26-17 - End of Year Regionals
Head Coach - Rachael Gardner
Assistant Coach - TBD
Roster -
Team Parent -
Rachael is a returning coach to WPVBC, previously serving both as an assistant coach and head coach. This year, she is returning as a Head Coach, where she truly shines. Not only has Rachel formerly coached, but she has played and been a spirited and supportive Mom to current WPVBC and WPHS players, who also sparkle on the court. Her favorite drill is the ‘crazy ball’, and she loves a good chicken wing as a treat. She is a consummate supporter of her players and wants to see them excel on the court. We feel so grateful to have her as part of our WPVBC family.
Subject in school: Science
Color: Maroon
Food: Wings!
Show to binge-watch: Alone
Fees Include: RMR team registration, team equipment, uniforms, gym rentals, coaching staff, 6 Power tournaments, Showdown, RMR Classic, End of Year Regionals & administration expenses.
Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Jan. 15, Feb. 15 & Mar. 15 ($400 each)
You may make a payment via PayPal below - there is a 4% fee applied to credit card payments. We do offer a discount if paid in full at the time of registration.
The RMR does not dictate whether teams or participants should or should not travel in any inclement weather or other conditions. Club/Team travel to any RMR event is always at your own risk and expense . In the event of road closures (verifiable by State Patrol) due to inclement weather on the date of the tournament, it is the responsibility of the Club/Team Representative to notify the Tournament Director at the Site to which the team was assigned, that the team will not be participating in the tournament. Notify the RMR Office if the Tournament Director can not be reached. The team will forfeit all matches which will result in receiving last place in that division. If deemed appropriate, the Junior Committee of the RMR Board of Directors may reimburse tournament entry fee (s) based on the above noted criteria.