Video shared by Coach Rachael Gardner:
Quick feet style drills are often demonized by many in our field and thought pointless. But how we contextualize it and the environments we use it in is where the magic is.
Improving a linear sprint time is good, but often, that doesn't translate into what many coaches label as "quickness."
We must train the nervous system to become extremely efficient from positions with very quick (and often choppy) foot contacts.
Video shared by Coach Stacy Roshek:
Many volleyball players are slow to get off the ground when jumping. These athletes are often too weak, have poor technique, or have bad reactive strength (or a combination of those 3).
In this video they focus on what reactive strength is, why it is essential for getting off the ground faster when you jump, and he give you 4 exercises to help develop this incredible attribute.
Shared by Coach Rachael Gardner
Video shared by Coach Kylee Newsome:
10 at-home volleyball drills you can do with just a ball and a wall! Don't let being stuck at home stop you from getting your volleyball training in!
Video shared by Coach Kayla Stimits:
Tik Tok compilation of volleyball drills to do at home when you aren't able to get to the gym!
Video shared by Coach Stacy Roshek:
Workout with Coach Reid Hall and Beach Volleyball Star Sophie Bukovec in a follow along workout. This workout will get your blood pumping and help ingrain good movement patterns.
Warm up
Complete 1 set of each of the following exercises with no rest between exercises.
1. Skipping- 20 seconds
2. High Knees- 20 seconds
3. Lateral Leg Swings- 20 seconds per side
4. Frontal Leg Swings- 20 seconds per side
Complete all 9 exercises one after the other with 20 seconds rest between exercises. When you have completed all 9 exercises rest for 1 to 2 minutes and then complete a 2nd round. Complete 1 to 2 rounds per workout. It will take 14 minutes to complete 1 round or 24 minutes to complete 2 rounds (this includes the warm up). Perform this workout 2X per week for 2 to 3 weeks.
1. Fast Feet- 5 sets, 5 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest
2. Lateral Hops- 3 sets, 10 per side, no rest
3. Bear Hold (easier) or Bear Crawl (tougher)- 1 set, 30 seconds of work
4. Body Weight Squats- 1 set, 30 seconds of work
5. Dead Bugs (easier) or Arms and Legs Lowering (tougher)- 1 set, 8 reps
6. Single Leg RDL- 1 set, 8 reps per side
7. T’s or Band Pull A Parts- 1 set, 10 reps
8. Hands Elevated Pushups (easier) or Regular Pushups (tougher)- 1 set, 8 to 15 reps
9. Lunge ISO Hold- 1 set, 20 to 30 seconds per side
ROUND 1 COMPLETE Rest for 1 to 2 minutes and complete your 2nd round.
Video shared by Coach Stacy Roshek:
This follow along workout involves foot work, jump technique, and strength training intended for the younger volleyball athlete.
Warm up
1. Skipping- 20 seconds
2. Butt Kicks- 20 seconds
3. Inch Worms- 5 reps
4. Snap Downs- 5 reps
Completing all exercises = 1 round. Complete 2 to 3 rounds. Rest for 15 to 20 seconds between exercises.
1. Side Shuffling- 15 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest- 3 sets
2. Static Block Jump- 5 reps
3. Dynamic Block Jumps- 4 jumps each way, 20 seconds rest- 3 sets
4. 3 Point Touches- 30 seconds each leg
5. Single Leg Glute Raises- 8 per side
6. Lateral Plank Walks- 15 seconds each way
7. Side Planks- From Knees and Regular Side Plank- 20 to 30 seconds per side
8. Neutral Stance Banded Row- 15 rows